

Discover The ‘G.R.O.W. Method’ 
Designed to Help You
Increase Focus, Sales, Profits, and Teamwork With LESS Time Spent Working 'IN' Your Business

WHAT: Virtual “G.R.O.W. Event”

WHERE: From Your Desk or Office via Zoom

WHEN: Wednesday October 21, 2020 starting at 12 - 3 pm ET


Discover The ‘G.R.O.W. Method’ 
Designed to Help You
Increase Focus, Sales, Profits, and Teamwork With LESS Time Spent Working 'IN' Your Business

WHAT: 1-Day LIVE Virtual “G.R.O.W. Workshop”

WHERE: From Your Desk or Office via Zoom

WHEN: Wednesday October 7, 2020, 12-3 pm ET

Is your business already at 8-figures and running like a well-oiled machine? (i.e. makes money without you, you can come and go as you please, has lots of cash reserves in the bank, etc.)

If so, please go ahead and close this page as this is NOT for you. 

If your business is NOT there yet… what you’re about to experience on this page is probably the most important message you’ll hear this year.

Is your business already at 8-figures and running like a well-oiled machine? (i.e. makes money without you, you can come and go as you please, has lots of cash reserves in the bank, etc.)

If so, please go ahead and close this page as this is NOT for you. 

If your business is NOT there yet… what you’re about to experience on this page is probably the most important message you’ll hear this year.

Here’s the cold, hard truth that nobody else is going to tell you...

Your business is only in one of two places...
It's either growing or...it's dying.
There is no middle ground.

See, even if things feel 'OK', if you're not regularly experiencing consistent growth in sales and profits, you are already in jeopardy.

  • New competitors enter the market every single day ready to rip you off and disrupt you...
  • ​Customers expect and demand more value than ever before in history...
  • ​Weaknesses that are stopping you from growing are the very ones that will undermine your current levels of success and cause your business to vanish...
  • ​Complacency breeds failure...and as legendary CEO of Intel, Andy Grove said, "Only the paranoid survive."

To survive AND THRIVE, you MUST have

  • Laser-sharp and relentless focus on your customer's goals...
  • Lightning-fast execution of your ideas and be able to change on a dime...
  • ​Flexible systems to ensure high levels of efficiency and FAT PROFIT Margins.  
  • ​A self-managed, agile team that gets the job done without you having to worry about all of the details so you can focus on the big picture...
Did you know that fewer than 4 out of 5 businesses ever reach $1,000,000 in annual sales?

And even the ones that make it to that coveted milestone have a 50/50 chance of going bankrupt within the first 5 years!

It doesn't matter "how cool" your idea is...

It doesn't matter how much passion you have or how much you want to change the world...

Sadly, the odds are not in your favor...  

And, it doesn't even matter if you work yourself to the bone 24/7.

So, let's be honest, ok?

Did you really get into business to play small, make razor-thin profits, and constantly ride an emotional rollercoaster?

I don't think so. 
Did you know that fewer than 4 out of 5 businesses ever reach $1,000,000 in annual sales?

And even the ones that make it to that coveted milestone have a 50/50 chance of going bankrupt within the first 5 years!

It doesn't matter "how cool" your idea is...

It doesn't matter how much passion you have or how much you want to change the world...

Sadly, the odds are not in your favor...  

And, it doesn't even matter if you work yourself to the bone 24/7.

So, let's be honest, ok?

Did you really get into business to play small, make razor thin profits and constantly ride an emotional rollercoaster?

I don't think so. 
You’ve got a chance to beat the odds, achieve higher levels of business growth than you ever imagined, and not kill yourself in the process...  

In fact, there’s never been a more perfect time in history to grow your business. 

BUT... you've got to move quickly.

It comes down to the ONE reason that most businesses crash and burn… but a select few make it. 

… and an even smaller number of those businesses not just survive, but actually THRIVE. 

It all comes down to growing your business the RIGHT way. 

Here’s what all of the clueless coaches out there aren't telling you...

If your business isn’t growing… 

… it's not because you're not smart enough, because your idea isn't good enough or because your mom didn't cuddle you enough when you were a kid...

It's because you haven't done the RIGHT things in the RIGHT order at the RIGHT time. 

It's kind of like making a cake. 

Even if you put all of the right ingredients together, but put them in the oven before you mix them, your cake is going to suck so bad even your trash can will spit it out.

Trying to grow your business without knowing the key steps or the order of things is like baking a cake blindfolded with your hands tied behind your back.

Except way worse because your success and the quality of your life depends on your ability to nail it and get it right...

Sure, you can endlessly try to figure out how everything fits together by trial and error…

…but how many times do you really want to have to deal with the same problems over and over before you want to bang your head against a wall? 

I dealt with everything you could imagine when it comes to growing my business. 

I failed more than I care to admit. 

Hiring people to have to fire them. 

Looking at them in the eye, explaining that I had to let them go… even though they had a family at home depending on that job. 

That still haunts me. 

… and is what sparked my obsession for growth. 
I vowed to NEVER let one more person down, and that I’d correct this… once and for all. 

So I did. 

I started out by investing in just about everything I could get my hands on. 

Books on growth, scaling, and teams. 

Then online programs. 

And even some mentors. 

I’ll be brutally honest. 

When I set out to fix this problem in my own business, I thought I could “outsource” it and let somebody else handle it. 


Dead wrong.

I dealt with everything you could imagine when it comes to scaling. 

I failed more than I care to admit. 

Hiring people to have to fire them. 

Looking at them in the eye, explaining that I had to let them go… even though they had a family at home depending on that job. 

That still haunts me. 

… and is what sparked my obsession for scaling. 
I vowed to NEVER let one more person down, and that I’d correct this… once and for all. 

So I did. 

I started out by investing in just about everything I could get my hands on. 

Books on growth, scaling, and teams. 

Then online programs. 

And even some mentors. 

I’ll be brutally honest. 

When I set out to fix this problem in my own business, I thought I could “outsource” it and let somebody else handle it. 


Dead wrong.

So, if you’ve had ANY problems whatsoever in your business that you know shouldn’t be happening…

  • OR think you might be dealing with recurring problems that should be resolved, once and for all… 
  • OR can’t seem to find the right people to share your vision and take ownership of getting your business to the next level…
  • ​OR feel like you might have hit a plateau (can’t get past 5, 6, or 7-figures…)
  • OR are sick of watching others with LESS talent or LOWER quality products/services scaling their businesses…
  • OR know that scaling your business is the answer, but just aren’t sure HOW or have had negative experiences in the past…
  • OR just need to follow the RIGHT path to get you where you want to go, from somebody you can follow that’s actually done it…
  • OR any combination of the above…

… you’re reading the right message and are just a few minutes away from the solution.

I discovered that to G.R.O.W. your business the RIGHT WAY you need these 4 steps:

(G) STEP #1: Game Planning for Success - The shortest distance between two points is a straight line...not having a crystal clear, simple plan to get to where you want to go will cost you years and unimaginable amounts of money.

(R) STEP #2: Reposition Your Resources - Making the most of your time, people, money and other assets are critical to being an effective business owner. Knowing how and when to make adjustments is what separates the elite from the rookies. 

(O) STEP #3: Optimize Your Playbook - Great businesses are built on dynamic systems that are easy to use yet flexible enough to change as the business grows and scales. If you don't have systems you can rely on, you'll always be stuck on the hamster wheel of overwhelm.

(W) STEP #4: Win with Your Dream Team - Having a team can be the biggest drain on your profits OR the leverage that accelerates your growth. The difference lies in your ability to be an engaged leader instead of one of the four types of 'bad bosses'.

IF this message has resonated with you, and:

  • You’re an entrepreneur with an existing business that’s ready to scale
  • You’re an entrepreneur that’s putting out fires in your existing business
  • ​You’re an entrepreneur that wants to master the G.R.O.W. system to fix & protect it
  • ​You’re an entrepreneur that understands the value of working smarter
  • ​You’re an entrepreneur that’s willing to immerse in this and fix it, once and for all

Keep reading, this is for you. 

This is NOT for you if:

  • You’re an entrepreneur that doesn’t value systems or leverage
  • You’re an entrepreneur who won’t put the time in to fix this, once and for all
  • ​You’re an entrepreneur that’s already doing 8-figures and has a scaled business
  • ​You’re an entrepreneur that is okay with putting out constant fires 

... let me ask you a quick question.

How would you like me to show you EVERYTHING you need to do to G.R.O.W. YOUR business the right way, plus give you ALL the tools you need (already done)…WITHOUT paying me $5,000 to walk you through everything?

Ready for this?

I’ll be exposing my never-before-seen G.R.O.W. Event at a PRIVATE, once-in-a-lifetime live virtual event!

WHAT: 3 Hour LIVE Virtual “G.R.O.W. Event”

WHERE: From Your Desk or Office on Zoom

WHEN: Wednesday October 21, 2020, 12-3 pm EST

*Seats are EXTREMELY limited, please act NOW to reserve your spot before they’re gone

When you sign up for the Virtual Workshop, you’ll be immersed in the “G.R.O.W. Method”, where we will mastermind together on:

(G) STEP #1: Game Planning for Success

  • Learn the EXACT strategy used by the top 1% of entrepreneurs, executives and investors to achieve their most critical results with stunning accuracy. (Without this framework, it will easily take 3-5X longer to achieve your goals...)
  • ​Get my template to help you easily see your entire business from 30,000 feet on one single sheet of paper so that you can instantly know with confidence how to prioritize your efforts.
  • ​Discover my proven ‘RYG Method’ for quickly pinpointing and fixing the money leaks in your business - (Using this method is like having a sixth sense for finding and fixing problems fast)
  • ​Know precisely what you need to focus your time, energy and money on to get the best results in the shortest time. 
  • ...plus a lot more

(G) STEP #1: Game Planning for Success

  • Learn the EXACT strategy used by the top 1% of entrepreneurs, executives and investors to achieve their most critical results with stunning accuracy. (Without this framework, it will easily take 3-5X longer to achieve your goals...)
  • ​Get my template to help you easily see your entire business from 30,000 feet on one single sheet of paper so that you can instantly know with confidence how to prioritize your efforts.
  • ​Discover my proven ‘RYG Method’ for quickly pinpointing and fixing the the money leaks in your business - (Using this method is like having a sixth sense for finding and fixing problems fast)
  • ​Know precisely what you need to focus your time, energy and money on to get the best results in the shortest time. 
  • ...plus a lot more

(R) STEP #2: Reposition Your Resources

  • Walk away with a simple metrics dashboard to help you measure the most important things in your business. With this in place, you'll have your pulse on what matters most and know when to adjust or pivot.
  • ​How to quickly spot and strip out inefficiencies and keep you and your team laser-focused on the right activities for maximum growth and leverage.
  • ​How to BOOST your profits and SQUASH expenses using my PPTM System. Get more done with less and keep your hard-earned cash.
  • ​STRATEGIES to take you out of the “daily grind”… so you can put out fires in your business BEFORE they start
  • ​Use our ‘Power Hour’ System' that absolutely ERASES the need for those annoying, expensive meetings where you sit around and nothing gets accomplished… for GOOD!
  • ​… plus a lot more

(R) STEP #2: Reposition Your Resources

  • Walk away with a simple metrics dashboard to help you measure the most important things in your business. With this in place, you'll have your pulse on what matters most and know when to adjust or pivot.
  • ​How to quickly spot and strip out inefficiencies and keep you and your team laser focused on the right activities for maximum growth and leverage.
  • ​How to BOOST your profits and SQUASH expenses using my PPTM System. Get more done with less and keep your hard earned cash.
  • ​STRATEGIES to take you out of the “daily grind”… so you can put out fires in your business BEFORE they start
  • ​Use our ‘Power Hour’ System' that absolutely ERASES the need for those annoying, expensive meetings where you sit around and nothing gets accomplished… for GOOD!
  • ​… plus a lot more

(O) STEP #3: Optimizing Your Systems and Processes

  •  You’ll discover how to have your own business systems WITHOUT spending a ton of time or it being a major pain. Never feel like you have to keep dealing with the same headaches over and over again...
  • ​Find out the sneaky little secret McDonalds and Starbucks used to launch billion-dollar empires (and how you can use it too even if your company is still a fraction of the size…
  • See how simple it is to be in complete control of your business even if one of your key employees threatens to jump ship or can't come into work.
  • The “3-bucket method" to keeping everything in your business organized once and for all. (Use this unique strategy and you’ll sleep easy knowing that nothing in your company will ever slip through the cracks again.)
  • The simplest and most clear breakdown of HOW to deploy these systems you’ve ever seen - walk away with the EXACT template to use and everything else you need
  • ...plus a lot more

(O) STEP #3: Optimizing Your Systems and Processes

  •  You’ll discover how to have your own business systems WITHOUT spending a ton of time or it being a major pain. Never feel like you have to keep dealing with the same headaches over and over again...
  • ​Find out the sneaky little secret McDonalds and Starbucks used to launch billion-dollar empires (and how you can use it too even if your company is still a fraction of the size…
  • See how simple it is to be in complete control of your business even if one of your key employees threatens to jump ship or can't come into work.
  • The “3-bucket method" to keeping everything in your business organized once and for all. (Use this unique strategy and you’ll sleep easy knowing that nothing in your company will ever slip through the cracks again.)
  • The simplest and most clear breakdown of HOW to deploy these systems you’ve ever seen - walk away with the EXACT template to use and everything else you need
  • ...plus a lot more

(W) STEP #4: Win with Your Dream Team

  • How to create a winning culture and to get your team to get fully bought into your Vision, Values, and Standards.
  • ​The #1 rule you need to know to delegate tasks with the confidence of a Fortune 500 CEO. (As soon as you start doing this, you’ll free up your scarce bandwidth as your team starts doing the heavy lifting instead of you.)
  • How to create effective, clear and open lines of communication to keep the ‘flywheel’ of your business moving and reducing friction between you and the employees.
  • ​Walk away with a 3-Step Checklist to eliminate miscommunication, finger-pointing or blaming. (Once you start using this, you'll have a team that stays on track like a heat-seeking missile.)
  • ​How to get your team to act as a collective unit, play to their superpower strengths, know their kryptonite and work harmoniously.
  • ​...plus a lot more

(W) STEP #4: Win with Your Dream Team

  • How to create a winning culture and to get your team to get fully bought into your Vision, Values, and Standards.
  • ​The #1 rule you need to know to delegate tasks with the confidence of a Fortune 500 CEO. (As soon as you start doing this, you’ll free up your scarce bandwidth as your team starts doing the heavy lifting instead of you.)
  • How to create effective, clear and open lines of communication to keep the ‘flywheel’ of your business moving and reducing friction between you and the employees.
  • ​Walk away with a 3-Step Checklist to eliminate miscommunication, finger pointing or blaming. (Once you start using this, you'll have a team that stays on track like a heat seeking missile.)
  • ​How to get your team to act as a collective unit, play to their superpower strengths, know their kryptonite and work harmoniously.
  • ​...plus a lot more

You’re getting ALL that… by coming to the G.R.O.W. Virtual Event and immersing yourself in this for 3 hours, LIVE. 

Well, I’ll make this easy.  

You’re getting a decade’s worth of tools, resources, lessons, and more…

… and I’m holding absolutely NOTHING back. 

That means you’re getting EVERYTHING those who paid $5,000 for me to walk them through this one-on-one got, so again PLEASE do not share that I gave you this…

If you reserve your seat RIGHT NOW... You’ll have ALL the critical details of fixing and protecting your business, making it virtually impossible to fail — including tools, SOP’s, frameworks, systems, processes, strategies, and more (this alone you’d easily pay tens of thousands of dollars for access to).

Total value for the private, closed-door G.R.O.W. Event:

$4,874 Value

As I said the ONLY others that got their hands on this, paid $5,000 for me to walk them through this, and there are only a handful of folks that have gotten ALL this information and ALL the tools you need. 

BUT... I'm going to let you have a private deal (which is outrageous considering how much fixing just ONE of these major issues is going to be worth to you). 

Up until this point, the only way to get access to this information was to pay $5,000 AND get a private invite from me.

*Hurry, First-Come First-Served & No Rain Checks
James P. Friel | Copyright ©2011-2020 | All Rights Reserved